Nick Medrano

Experienced Software Developer with a Passion For Design


It's all about the right fit.

Modern Front-End Development
Problem Solving
Backend APIs
Current daily tech stack:

Vue2 and 3 DevOps/Agile JavaScript NodeJS/NPM Git Bootstrap Responsive Design APIs Firebase Machine Learning GraphQL Server-Side Rendering NoSQL NuxtJs Cloudinary Tailwind CSS Typescript

17+ Years Experience in Software Development

  • US Government Agency2

    US Government Agency

    2012 - Present

    Migrated and modernized several legacy mission-critical platforms into modern cloud-native applications. Released iterated updates through a DevOps model using the Agile methodology.

  • USAF Public Affairs Agency

    2010 - 2012

    Responsible for the design and development of the USAF brand on social media platforms, including the development of, the official website of the Air Force.

  • Organik

    2004 - Present

    Created Organik with a mission to help small businesses navigate the world wide web. Provided web development and server management and built more than 50+ custom websites. I continue to provide consultation services and charity work.

  • Personal Projects

    1997 - Present

    I have been building hobby websites since I was in high school. Some have been featured in major news outlets like CNN and TIME — such as the award-winning, the #1 WWII photo gallery on the web with millions of page-views a month, a top 100,000 traffic ranking, and featured in USATODAY’s “top website of the week”. Currently, I am working on Pixstery, a project using Machine Learning and image recognition to help people solve photo mysteries.